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Yoga for Pelvic Floor Health

A Mind/Body Practice

Model of Pelvis

Let's Talk Pelvic Floor
See SCHEDULE for classes/workshops
Subscribe to my monthly NEWSLETTER for events and information

The pelvic floor is group of muscles at the bottom of the pelvis that can be visualized like the foundation of a house. It they don't provide the support we need, something's gonna give! They have an important role (along with holding back unwanted urine leakages) to stabilize the pelvis and spine in everything we do. As part of our "inner core" these muscles need to be strong, flexible and have the ability to relax. When not working properly, other muscles attempt to compensate (low back, shoulders, neck, jaw) and that can lead to discomfort and pain.


I became interested in understanding more about the pelvic floor because of my own challenges. And like many others I suffered in silence, too embarrassed to talk about what was going on "down there." I had spent a considerable amount of time in pain and discomfort and years exploring different forms of therapy and pathways to healing. What finally worked for me was that I stopped. Literally stopped what I was doing and started to listen to my body. It had been speaking to me for a long time, but I pushed past the various messages and sensations. That is what the practice of yoga has taught me. To trust the wisdom of the body.


Three things I learned along the way....

  1. The brain needs to find the area that we want to change. If we are disconnected from feelings and sensations in our pelvis, it will be very difficult to heal ourselves. We need to get in touch with ourselves (literally!) in order to truly understand what is needed.

  2. We can't work in isolation when wanting to strengthen/relax pelvic floor muscles. Yes those Kegels are not enough! The pelvic floor is part of a system of core muscles (that also include respiratory diaphragm, transversus abdominis and multifidi muscles) and we will have a better result when addressing the whole package.

  3. Yoga poses are helpful as are other prescribed exercises, but WE ARE MORE THAN JUST A BODY! We are mind/body/spirit/heart and the yoga approach encompasses all aspects of what makes us uniquely human.


As a certified yoga therapist and teacher, I have discovered over many years that my students have similar “pelvic stories” that needed to be heard and healed.  Yoga has a long history as a healing and wellness modality and is a beautiful compliment to other therapies (physiotherapy etc). My workshops and classes are based on my Pelvic Floor Yoga™ Teacher Training with Leslie Howard (Author of Pelvic Liberation: Using Yoga, Self-Inquiry and Breath Awareness for Pelvic Health).  My intention is to provide a safe space in which we can share some of our stories and find a pathway to happy and healthy pelvises.


My current classes and workshops are below. More information is available in my monthly newsletter - LET'S TALK PELVIC FLOOR. Contact me to subscribe.

2024 Classes and Workshops
More info is available from the links provided

Yoga for Pelvic Health
Weekly Drop-In

Tuesdays 12-1:15

Yoga for Pelvic Floor

Oct 12 from 1-4pm

Pelvic Floor Health
8-Week Registered Class

Thursdays, Oct 24th - Dec 16th

Good alignment and a strong body core are key to a healthy pelvis. When out of balance we can often experience pain and difficult movement. This class offers ways to gently strengthen/stretch the muscles that support the pelvis, including muscles of the low back, hips and pelvic floor. 

In this workshop we will combine asana (yoga postures) with mindfulness and somatic awareness to build on the mechanics and energetics of this important area. Students will have an opportunity to continue their learning through a longer series offered in October.

Let's explore and share information related to pelvic health in a safe space. At the end of the series you will have gained insight into your own unique circumstances and a pathway to work with your pelvic floor in a non-invasive and holistic way.


Thank you for subscribing to my monthly email newsletter. My intention is to stay connected to all my students and keep us practicing together.  Each month provides information on aspects of pelvic floor health from my workshops and classes as well as upcoming events. Your email is never shared. 

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